import random
ds = 'A23456789TJQK'
fs = 'SHDC'
r = []
for i in ds:
for j in fs:
sd = {}
n = 1000000
for j in range(n):
ud = []
for i in range(5):
u = random.randint(0,51)
print(j,ud,end=' ')
sameCheck = [i[1] for i in ud]
sameCheck1 = [sameCheck.count(i) for i in sameCheck]
nSame = int(sameCheck1.count(2)/2)
nSame3 = sameCheck1.count(3)
msg = ''
if nSame3 ==1 : msg = 'Three of a kind'
elif nSame ==2 : msg = 'Two Pair'
elif nSame == 1:msg = 'One Pair'
checkFlag = [fs.find(i[0]) for i in ud]
if checkFlag[0] == checkFlag[1] == checkFlag[2] == checkFlag[3] == checkFlag[4]:
msg = 'Flush'
checkSame = [ds.find(i[1]) for i in ud]
if (checkSame[0] == checkSame[1] == checkSame[2] == checkSame[3]
or checkSame[1] == checkSame[2] == checkSame[3] == checkSame[4]):
msg = 'Four of a kind'
if (checkSame[0] == checkSame[1] and checkSame[1] == checkSame[2] and checkSame[3] == checkSame[4]
or checkSame[0] == checkSame[1] and checkSame[2] == checkSame[3] and checkSame[3] == checkSame[4]):
msg = 'FullHouse'
if checkSame[0] == checkSame[1]-1 and checkSame[1] == checkSame[2]-1 and checkSame[2] == checkSame[3]-1 and checkSame[3] == checkSame[4]-1:
msg = 'Straight'
if (checkFlag[0] == checkFlag[1] == checkFlag[2] == checkFlag[3] == checkFlag[4]
and checkSame[0] == checkSame[1]-1 and checkSame[1] == checkSame[2]-1 and checkSame[2] == checkSame[3]-1 and checkSame[3] == checkSame[4]-1):
msg = 'Straight Flush'
if msg in sd: sd[msg]+=1
else : sd[msg]=1
print(n, 'times :')
for k,v in sd.items():
if k=='':print('%-20s : %d'%('No...',v))
else: print('%-20s : %d'%(k,v))
1000000 times :
No... : 457108
Two Pair : 68882
One Pair : 460935
Four of a kind : 2114
Straight : 2852
Flush : 3894
FullHouse : 4201
Straight Flush : 14